
P.O. Box 950834 Oklahoma City, OK 73195.


send photo-story here as well if post-mail is more taxing.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


PicturePerfect-this blog requires patron involvement. I'm requesting people from all over to send me a photo that has a "story." It can be an embarrassing, special moment, funny, crazy, etc. type of photo. I think you get the idea. Why? You ask. I'm working on an art project that will contain All Of Your Photos. One other thing I ask of you is a brief story and I mean brief on the opposite side of the photo. Please, make a copy of the photo for yourself seeing that I will not be returning the one that you send to me. I hope this request I've made will bring results. I believe my art project will truly be a success. You may send anonymously because lets face not many people may know who the people or person is in your photo. you may send to K.Alarcon-PerfectPicture P.O. 950834 Oklahoma City, OK 73195.
I'm Looking Forward to What I receive.
Yours Truly,


  1. Please NOOOO pornographic Pictures!! That just ruins everything!!!

  2. Seeing everyone's profile inspires me to jazz mine up a bit!!

  3. May we e-mail the pics to you with instructions that you can print it? Sounds like a great project. Good luck with it.
    I was an art major)
    You can reach me at Agnes999@aol.com
    I would love to send a pic of our little sparrow with a little story.


  4. Hi there. I completely forgot to send you a pic. I promise to do it today. How's your project going? Do you have a required date to complete it?
